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Posts posted by Sparkless

  1. After six months of trying to log in, I finally managed to sort my account out on here. So I'm back guys!


    You miss me?


    Anyways my recent haul is thanks to Hellscream85, which consisted of:


    YOTS Omega Supreme

    Knight morpher commander

    Apex and Gemini

    MP cassette-ticons (all four)

    3x generations Junkheap

  2. There's things I prefer about mp10, but they're both great figures. I like that the newer one is 98% plastic, and therefor not so heavy when messing about with. The only diecast in him is thevarm that connects to his botmode grill.


    However, I love the features on mp01, like his suspension, opening leg vents, light up matrix chamber ect.


    However, mp10 wins in altmode. He hasn't got the arm joints blatantly showing, and is generally a better shape


    Saying that, I still wanna get a mp04 at some point

  3. My toys r us masterpiece prime arrived yesterday. Boy, is he a great figure


    I can see why so many people are calling him the definitive G1 optimus. Haven't got around to messing around with Spike or the trailer yet. But all I can say is I love this Prime :win

  4. My MP Thundercracker sent by Hellscream arrived today. Finally, I have all three seekers in MP form.


    The new remolded parts reall help the figure, but there is things about this figure that I detest... the "tattoos". The tailfins and the parts that have reflector pictured on them are just idiotic looking IMO. I'm going to buy the reprolabels to fix this next time I have available funds. Apart from that, this figure is so cool. Got my MP Sideswipe and Thundercracker in the mail this week, and should have Prime hopefully next week. A lotta MP love lately, and I'm really enjoying it

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