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Status Updates posted by Sparkless

  1. literally have no money for christmas this year, and my MP Prime is lost in the post. As they say, "when it rains, it pours" :(

  2. I have an MP Prime on its way now. Thanks to everyone who was willing to help get one for me

  3. I have an MP Prime on its way now. Thanks to everyone who was willing to help get one for me

  4. Gonna order MP Sideswipe! yay

  5. Worked out where all the Vehicons are now. I saw at least 4 today in my local supermarket. So, they all ended up in Spain? LOL

    1. Lord_Onslaught


      So you bought all 4?

    2. Sparkless


      Nah I only bough one, as I already have one other in the post. however if people can't find em, i'm willing to go back and stock up

    3. Lord_Onslaught


      Well I'm good with mine, but I know others are lo0oking for them

  6. What's on your mind?If FOC doesn't arrive next week I'm going to recreate the no tV, no beer scene from the shining at the post office

    1. MikePrime


      Did you order it from Amazon.com or something? I felt that way when I, stupidly, ordered Skyrim from Amazon.com. I could have bought it on release day, but no, I had to pre-order it and wait extra week for the game to arrive after it's release date.


    2. Sparkless


      Yup, and it was only delivered last Friday. Go Amazon...


  7. New custom work to be shown soon. Touch ups and improvements galore!

  8. Back spasms aren't fun...

  9. this has been a week i could happily forget...

  10. today has been a pretty good day

    1. Breaker


      glad to hear it

  11. First batch of walther P38's now painted up and ready, including one "chase version". Pictures and details will be posted tomorrow,

    1. Sparkless


      pics now up

    2. jeffafa


      Where are they? I saw one on the action pose thread...

      I need ideas for the one I want to do.

    3. Sparkless


      In the workshop forum, un der operation megatron.


  12. First batch of walther P38's now painted up and ready, including one "chase version". Pictures and details will be posted tomorrow,

  13. 3.75 scale Walther P38's arrived today. beginning customisation of them soon!

    1. jeffafa


      Where did you get them? I got one from http://www.marauderinc.com but the grip is too thick for GI Joes to hold.

    2. Sparkless


      I think that's the same place I bought mie. The grip is a bit wide, but some figs can hold them fine. Have two painted up so far. Pics soon


  14. lol, tidying my room today, i found a MOC universe 2.0 Tankor i didn't even know i had.

    1. Breaker


      lol, thats always nice. I've done that before. Come across things Ive forgot about and cant recall purchasing.

  15. Dog had a seizure today and dropped dead... My luck's just getting better and better

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparkless


      Thanks man

    3. Breaker


      Thats what happened to Merlin. Horrible.

    4. Lord_Onslaught


      Now that is messed up

  16. Had extremely bad news at the doctors yesterday...

    1. Breaker


      ...? You gonna be alright?

  17. Fans of G I Joe and Transformers, my next custom will not displease

    1. jeffafa


      OK, you have my attention...

    2. Sparkless


      Jus so you know, it won't be a TFable transformer, and I will be offering a limited quantity to buy

    3. Lord_Onslaught


      So you makinga MLP in Starscreams colors being ridden by Destron or Duke?

  18. pics of a new custom coming up tomorrow

  19. lovingbthis new tablet

  20. Happy birthday buddy. Hope you have a goodun

  21. Why is PCC heavytread so hard to find damnit!!!

    1. puma


      He suffered last wave syndrome. Most of the Heavytreads were released as a Walmart Black Friday 2 pack for $10 with a box set of the leader and drones. This is how I found mine.


    2. Lord_Onslaught


      I found mine at ROSS though the final 3 have been showing up at TRU but that was at least 3 months ago

    3. bumblebee85


      i just got mine for $10(canadian) at a giant tiger. there were lots of him, i didn't know it was so hard to get him, he is going for $30 on ebay

  22. Madblender and Neckbreaker are ON THEIR WAY!!! Can't wait to get these guys in!

  23. I wants my last two TFC herc parts!!!! RAAAAGGGGEEEEE!!!!

  24. Heading off for Germany in about an hour, so will be uncontactable for the next week, probably...

    1. Breaker


      Have fun buddy!

  25. Prime figures have hit Spain. yay

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