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TFTM 20th Ann DVD Easter Eggs


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Got a copy of the 20th anniversary DVD 4 days early (thank you wal mart) :thumb . I found an Easter Egg on the first disc already:


At the title screen, make sure the top option (bonus features) is selected, then push your left arrow button on your DVD remote twice, which will highlight the bottom option (Play) in the menu, then it will highlight the faction symbol on the title screen (It switches from Autobot to Deciepticon). Pushing 'enter' on your remote while the faction symbol is highlighted will start the Easter Egg, which is:


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Three Japanese Diaclone toy commercials - Convoy, the bots that would become the first series Autobots (Jazz, Bluestreak, etc), and the bots that would become the Constructicons/Devastator



Havent found any easter eggs on disc two as of yet...


I posted this in TFGD ( http://www.TFans.com/talk/index.php?showtopic=54780 ), but I thought finding an easter egg would classify as news so I posted here as well. :tfgrin

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The box sets are nothing compared to this DVD.


I can't wait

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Mine's a-comin from Family Video (still glad I pre-ordered from there for really cheap). Can't wait either.

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Mine's a-comin from Family Video (still glad I pre-ordered from there for really cheap). Can't wait either.


Did you get an email Saturday that your order had been shipped already, by chance? I did. Very nice, if it really was shipped before the actual "street" date. Can't wait to get it. :)

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Mine's a-comin from Family Video (still glad I pre-ordered from there for really cheap). Can't wait either.


Did you get an email Saturday that your order had been shipped already, by chance? I did. Very nice, if it really was shipped before the actual "street" date. Can't wait to get it. :)

Indeed I did. Hopefully I will get it w/in the next few days. In the meantime, maybe I will watch my Rhino DVD again so I can more easily see the differences (or maybe not).

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Mine should be shipping tomorrow from Amazon. What's nice is I didn't have to pay shipping cause I ordered it through my mother's account and she get's free shipping from Amazon directly.


So looking forward to it.



*thinks for a moment*

This topic should be pinned for the sole purpose of revealing easter eggs to people who find any to help those that can't figure it out.

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