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Yeah, that's been my issue. I just bought that Skids I was talking about (wheeling and dealing to split up the cost amongst cash I had laying around and a credit card that wouldn't mind $10 more on it), but I keep having to pass up Brimstone, which is the last unique Cybertron mold (out now) that I don't own, barring Vector Prime.


At least it looks like we won't see a wave 3 of Sigma 6 soon. Question: Do you own Spirit Iron Knife? And if so/not, why?

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Yeah, that's been my issue. I just bought that Skids I was talking about (wheeling and dealing to split up the cost amongst cash I had laying around and a credit card that wouldn't mind $10 more on it), but I keep having to pass up Brimstone, which is the last unique Cybertron mold (out now) that I don't own, barring Vector Prime.


At least it looks like we won't see a wave 3 of Sigma 6 soon. Question: Do you own Spirit Iron Knife? And if so/not, why?


I don't own Spirit. I don't own him or Kamakura because I promised myself I wouldn't buy every character especially the lesser characters. That's what I said in the beginning but know I want both. I think Kama looks cool like a Scorpion from MK. I also want Spirit after seeing him in action on Hasbro's site. http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...joe&char=spirit

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Yeah, that's my reasoning.


I mean.. it's just BALLSY, given the high-tech of this GI Joe line, to give the guy a working bow to show his projectiles with.


He doesn't have the "I'm gonna kick your ass, and I know it" kinda smirk that every other character has, though.


But dude. Native American demolitions expert with a crossbow, hatches, and an eagle. Yeah... that's just kickass.


Edit: I apologize for hijacking this thread so much.

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Edit: I apologize for hijacking this thread so much.


It keeps my thread on top so I am far from complaining. Billy's a falcon to be Outback again :tftongue

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Thanks. Night Slash Cheetor is one of those bots I strong willingly didn't buy. I thought he looked cool but I kept going, "Nah! You dont need to buy em." Outside of that I own all the other Cheetor molds.

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Yay, Kamakura is a $10, I don't feel so bad about getting---


Powerglide. I still need to get Storm Shadow. *cry* Especially considering I picked up a B.A.T., and was pleasantly surprised to find that the quality on them is as good as the $15 figs....


Edit: My B.A.T. currently has its blades around duke's neck, but duke used his bowie knife to stop 'em... now if only I could make Duke look REALLY pissed. =P

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