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Had a REALLY crappy day; so i decided to see if my suffering would weild results at my local walmart for Jolt to show up. No luck but did get legends sideways just cause I like the legends series now dangit lol.


Must... find... JOLT!!!! and HA Skids...

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ROTF Jetfire arrived today. I was one of the lucky ones quick enough to order him from the website when it was still available. Was also expecting a dead End figure to come with him, but ended up getting a Swerve. I'm gonna try and exchange it for a different figure next time I go to Target.

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Just pulled in Longhaul myself and he is an awesome figure! Sweet alt mode and cool bot mode. Like the working pistons on the arms. I ended up pointing the tires above his head down though. It seemed to fill in the gap a bit better.

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and it was all free :D mate didn't want them anymore so gave them to me. MOst are full bots just missing some accessories but some are missing limbs. Definately can't complain though as most of these figures I've never owned before now and I'd wanted a Rampage for ages.

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Exchanged my Swerve for Arcee at Target. Interesting figure, but I still like Chromia better. Hopefully I can find some mods for Arcee out there.

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Looked EVERYWHERE for an Arcee. Earlier this week there were loads of them at Kmart and Walmart. Though dont get me wrong, I still hate the Wheelsnakes, I was looking for a friend.


But I encounted EVERY OTHER GOD DAMN THING! Supreme Devastator, SEVERAL leader Jetfires (gawd his voice is aweful), Thrust, Gears, Swerve, Long Haul, Stratosphere, etc.


With the exception that I still haven't seen Ice Cream Twins or Jolt.


But this is the haul thread and I DID buy something. Just not TFs:


Got Rise of Cobra Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Ice Viper and I finally found a Paris Pursuit Snake-Eyes w/ Timber. Im a little disappointed that his hood doesn't come up though :(.


Also got League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1, Marvel Zombies 1 & 2 and All Hail Megatron 1. Still couldn't find The Killing Joke though.

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