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Kinda scored today.

Went looking around, didn't see much, the TRU Animated leader sale was disapointing. Saw HA Sideswipe there but at $35 it was an easy pass.

I saw Dune Runne, Scalpel and Swerve in Target, but they seemed a bit expensive so I walked away

Saw the same figures at Walmart for less so OK. I picked up Dune Runner and Scalpel, but realy wasn't feeling Swerve in hand. I went to the garden counter with some other items, got rung up and left.


I just got home, looked in my bag and there was a Sentinel Prime. I didn't take that off the shelf!?!

I looked at the reciept, saw that I wasn't charged for it, but to top that, I saw both Scouts rung up, then both of them credited :)


I love trainees in side departments!!!


Had I known, I would have grabbed Swerve too...

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Kinda scored today.

Went looking around, didn't see much, the TRU Animated leader sale was disapointing. Saw HA Sideswipe there but at $35 it was an easy pass.

I saw Dune Runne, Scalpel and Swerve in Target, but they seemed a bit expensive so I walked away

Saw the same figures at Walmart for less so OK. I picked up Dune Runner and Scalpel, but realy wasn't feeling Swerve in hand. I went to the garden counter with some other items, got rung up and left.


I just got home, looked in my bag and there was a Sentinel Prime. I didn't take that off the shelf!?!

I looked at the reciept, saw that I wasn't charged for it, but to top that, I saw both Scouts rung up, then both of them credited :)


I love trainees in side departments!!!


Had I known, I would have grabbed Swerve too...

Wow i would get a sentinel for free. go get swerve he is awesome.
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I already got Sideswipe, so I'm gonna wait for a sale. The alt was just to red for me.

I would have to agree that swerve is too red looking. That's why I got another sideswipe and made him red. And what a drool worthy red it is :drool (kinda hate myself for not having the pics done yet)


Actual haul:some clearance animated figures. finally got me swindle and had no problem paying a deluxe price for the 'deluxe' size bulkhead

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