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Oh, just gotta go and one up everyone and buy a transforming house, we see how you are. HOW DO WE COMPETE WITH THAT??? :rofl

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Oh, just gotta go and one up everyone and buy a transforming house, we see how you are. HOW DO WE COMPETE WITH THAT??? :rofl

real size Metroplex, and/or Fort Max. :lol


Congrats again on the house, Breaker. You'll have to take photos while y'get things moved in.

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Yay I won the thread! :yay


And I got more pictures right now, I just didn't wanna bore people with all of them. It might be interesting once I get all my TFs set up. I cant wait for that!


Thanx for all the kind words guys, much appreciated. And Jschuby, I;m sure there is a figure somewhere thats worth more then 120k.

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Today, during my second viewing of District 9, me and my wife finished negotiating a deal and we bought a house!

What's it Transform into ???


/\ Lots of equity, with any luck. My wife and I bought our first house a little over a year ago, so I know how you feel, Breaker. Congrats and good luck.


TF haul: ROTF Ejector, what a fun little guy! Great articulation.

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Today, during my second viewing of District 9, me and my wife finished negotiating a deal and we bought a house!





What's it Transform into ???


About 40 years of payments. And a little update on the house: This morning we found out the bank screwed up on our loan, so we may end up getting screwed. What happened was instead of basing our loan on the income we inputted, they based it on my wife's active duty pay from the Navy (she gets out at the end of the month, so thats not accurate). We were approved for a 120k loan based on her active duty pay (didnt know they had made the change), but based on the income level we wanted them to base it on, the actual loan amount will be much less, so in short: we lost the house.



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