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Does this thread have anything to do with transformers collecting anymore? Correct me if I'm wrong, and I may be, but I certainly don't care about you pre-ordering Spiderman 3 for the PS3, buying Power Rangers, etc.


Flame away, but I think it's a reasonable request to keep this thread related to Transformers toys, since this is definitely in the "Transformers Toy Discussion" thread. I had to check to make sure.


Though if you want to brag about pre-ordering games for a dead handheld system, I thin INH is always looking for new members




Pre ordered Spiderman 3 for PSP, which got me a nice little poster.



Picked up Walmart exclusive Metal finish Spiderman with stretch web.



Spiderman 3 has about 6 different release dates apparently for PSP



Three Rumbles and three Ravages? Way to be a hoarder. I can't even find one.



Very Wrong, I collect these for my collection for these reasons:


MISB / Robot Mode / Vehicle Mode / Combined Mode <--if there is one.


My own money went into these things and if you think I am a hoarder, that's your opinion, but I am happy regardless.


If you get upset when you can't get something, It's called "Disappointment". Let me do what I wish to do, Cool?




was i? i dont think so. no one needs that many duplicates of one figure. heres what i pictured in my head:


any walmart i ever went to never had more than three of one kind of alt at a time, which leads me to beleive you saw those 6 alts all fresh and out of the case at the same time, and just scooped them all up. not thinking if any other fan would want one, or god forbid a child. lets just say you wouldnt want to run into me going up to a till with all those in your arms.


and if i ever did something like buy three of one (exclusive and sought after) figure i would not post a picture of it in two different threads. id keep it to myself and be ashamed.


also i didnt say scalper either. i know you dont sell anything. s'why i chose the word hoarder.


flame me if you want, it wont change my opinion and i wont respond because this doesnt need to go further than this. this was just me explaining my initial post.




My Non-TF Haul For Thurs. 4/26/07


Powerpuff Girls Z DVD(s):

x1 PPGZ DVD - Collector's Edition Volume 5 "Miss Bellum Cover" [Online Store: CDJapan.co.jp]




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and.... why does it have to only be tfs?


non-tfs and stupid angst is great.


who are you buy the way :wtf

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Post your hauls here. Pics welcome., Get something new? Want to tell someone?
Just a reminder, the thread title doesn't specify. :thumb
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i got a nice haul yesterday


a bw fuzor silverbot missing his robot arms, a tm2 cheetor missing his gun, a powermaster prime with super head and a g1 metroplex with his left fist and stickers and plastic in perfect condition, (i already had one but he was a nicer specimin and now i have two hands for him)

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Just got me some Megatrons!!



And this may fire some of you guys up:


But if its any consolation most of the doubles and my opened ones(not pictured) were brought off ebay..... where the pooooorr lil kids dont have access to.

I envy your alt collection

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a fully boxed alt collection does look pretty. but i couldnt stand leaving them inside.

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