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Big Lots had nearly all of the Universe Aerialbots. I got Air Raid, Ro-Tor, Silverbolt, Skydive and Stormjet. They didn't have a Fireflight, but they had an extra Silverbolt... That Silverbolt is all they have left. It was funny I found these next to KO Robotmasters.


I pre-ordered Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, and bought some DVDs and Baseball Mogul 07.

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TF Universe Windrazor

TF Universe $5 ast. display

Dinoriders childrens book

He mans childrens book

various comics


lots of misc spendy stuff to sell on ebay.

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My Hybrid Haul For Sat. 3/17/07


Transformers Classic Legends Wave #2 (Asst. #81313):

x1 #81388 Menasor [store: Walgreens]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - The Rumbling Of Wart" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87330 "Saga #060: Clone Trooper - Sergeant" (Hologram Luke Skywalker) [store: Target]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - Kashyyyk Conquest" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87340 "Saga #062: Battle Droids" (Hologram Count Dooku) [store: Wal-Mart]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - Darkness Falls On The Galaxy" (Asst. #85770):

x3 #87346 "Saga #066: R4-K5 - Darth Vader's Astromech Droid" (Hologram Stormtrooper/Darth Vader/Count Dooku) [store: Wal-Mart]


Lego Star Wars- "Classic":

x1 #7654 Droids Battle Pack [store: Wal-Mart]


Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:

x4 DR3 Pack(s) [store: Wal-Mart]

x1 STON Pack(s) [store: Target]




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My Hybrid Haul For Sat. 3/17/07


Transformers Classic Legends Wave #2 (Asst. #81313):

x1 #81388 Menasor [store: Walgreens]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - The Rumbling Of Wart" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87330 "Saga #060: Clone Trooper - Sergeant" (Hologram Luke Skywalker) [store: Target]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - Kashyyyk Conquest" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87340 "Saga #062: Battle Droids" (Hologram Count Dooku) [store: Wal-Mart]


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 9 - Darkness Falls On The Galaxy" (Asst. #85770):

x3 #87346 "Saga #066: R4-K5 - Darth Vader's Astromech Droid" (Hologram Stormtrooper/Darth Vader/Count Dooku) [store: Wal-Mart]


Lego Star Wars- "Classic":

x1 #7654 Droids Battle Pack [store: Wal-Mart]


Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:

x4 DR3 Pack(s) [store: Wal-Mart]

x1 STON Pack(s) [store: Target]




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