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Just picked up the Special Edition Prime and Megatron in the black packaging for $9.99 ea at Marshall's, as was reported in a previous thread. Wish they'd had Dragstrip and Overkill, but was pleasantly surprised to find the ones I did find.


I was thinking about going there after reading this, but then I remembered Primes spinning gimmick :tfpuke, but Dragstrip, I would buy.

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You can lock Prime's spinning gimmick in place, get hi in a straight position, and just pull out on his black tab slightly until you hear a clicking sound

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Just picked these up from Toysrus.




Also from BevMo!


Remy Martin & other assorted booze. :ohyeah

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Everybody seems to be finding those MM at TRU, they're not exclusives are they?


As far as I know, I don't think they are. They do not have a Toysrus exclusive sticker. I'm sure they will be hitting Targets and Walmarts eventually.

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For anyone who has the new dino Megazord, how is it? I've seen them and they look pretty neat.


I'm not a Power Ranger fan, but I have to give some credit to Power Rangers for rekindling the collector in me. I used to watch the original Power Rangers with my nephew and it was my original love for TF's that made me watch to begin with.


Anyway, after buying the Power Ranger stuff for him, Beast Wars came around and then I got him into that and it's all been down hill ever since.


If it's really that good, I may get one just for kicks.



Back on topic, I had a good weekend...



Recon Ironhide

Universe Hardhead (for $15)

Universe Special Editions Prime, Megs, Dragstrip, Overkill from Marshalls. ($10 each...SWEET!)

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Everybody seems to be finding those MM at TRU, they're not exclusives are they?



When they showed up on ebay most of the auctions said they were TRU exclusives. And BBTS has them listed as "Exclusive Wave" but they don't say exclusive to who.


But auctions also say that an item is "rare" when we know damn well it isn't.


TRU is the only place I've seen em though... :con :con :con

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Revoltech Fraulein: #001 Rei Ayanami

Revoltech Fraulein: #003 Asuka Langley

-- Passed on the Bandage version of Rei, figured I rather have two normal version.


TRU Exclusive Commemorative Soundwave

-- I have the BotCon version and I was originally planning to open this one, but.... if only they were the same packaging.


Baki The Grappler - The Complete Series

-- I love this anime, I just had to own it, and for $20, I couldn't pass it up.


G.I Joe Poster - Storm Shadow

-- http://www.superherostuff.com/OtherItems/images/gi_joe_storm_shadow_poster_2.jpg

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My TF Haul For Mon. 01/11/10


Transformers Timelines Collectors' Club > Club/Store Exclusives:

x1 Nightbeat(s) {Online Store: Transformers Collector's Club Store}


Transformers Encore Reissues > Autobots/Decepticons:

x1 Encore #17: Ratbat, Ramhorn, Steeljaw, Slugfest {Ebay Seller: agabysscom}

x1 Encore #19: Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Overkill {Ebay Seller: zgundamgp03}


Transformers - Henkei > Cybertron(s) > Exclusive(s):

x1 Strafe With Rocketbot {Ebay Seller: agabysscom}


Fun Publications > TF Comic(s):

x1 TF Timelines Comic #1 - Dawn Of Future's Past/Diamond Edition CVR (2006) {Online Store: Transformers Collector's Club Store}

x1 TF Timelines Comic #2 - Games Of Deception/Diamond Edition CVR (2007) {Online Store: Transformers Collector's Club Store}

x1 TF Timelines Comic #3 - Shattered Glass/Diamond Edition CVR (2008) {Online Store: Transformers Collector's Club Store}

x1 TF Timelines Comic #4 - Wings Of Honor/Diamond Edition CVR (2009) {Online Store: Transformers Collector's Club Store}




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