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Wow... Windcharger was a pegwarmer here. Although they're all gone now because stores massively discounted their TF toys to clear space for DotM.




Welcome to another episode of CAN DEVASTATOR EAT IT??


In today's episode we ask: can Revenge of the Fallen Devastator eat Transformers (2007) Devastator? It's the battle of the namesake!


And here we have Legends and Deluxe Decepticon Brawl from TF1, but in the film this character was called Devastator. They're accusing ROTF Devastator of taking their name and they want it back! What will ROTF Devastator do?



Against all odds, the Brawls remain optimistic. "Give us back our name!" they cry.






I guess that settles it, ROTF Devastator can eat not just one, but _two_ TF1 Devastators! Tune in next time when we ask the question; can Devastator eat Fortress Maximus?!

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this totally blows i cant find a grapple or a windcharger...




have you tried Tjmaxx and Marshalls?

Yes and that what sucks, every time i go i cant find any :fire

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In today's episode of Can Devastator Eat It?? we ask the question - Can Devastator Eat Fortress Maximus?!


Let's find out!


Quite the challenge for Devastator...



Nom! Nom! No--, hmmm...



Okay, you got his head... but what about the rest of Fort Max??



Hey, it's Doctor Scalpel. Maybe he can help.

"Keel ze leetle one!"




Oh wow, Doctor Scalpel has shrunken Fortress Maximus down to bite size for you! (probably less kilojoules this way too ;))






Hooray, you did it Devvie! And thank you for the assist, Doc Scalpel!



Tune in next time for another thrilling installment of Can Devastator Eat It?? :)

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See, that just looks awesome. How can people hate? (Rhetorical question, do not answer. :P )

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Ultimate Prime's out now?! Damn our slow distribution! I was driving through Epping today... I should've given Hasbro AU's head office a nasty glare. Nasty glaaaaaare!!

So what else does Ultimate Prime's trailer do other than transform to butterfly mode? Does it have a combat deck mode?





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