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The Action Pose Thread


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Here's what I do to mine (your results may vary): open up the leg to get at the pivot. Use a sharp blade and shave a tiny bit off the end of the post that the leg turns on, where the screw goes. Re-assemble and get that screw nice and tight. Most of the time, this will let the leg halves fit closer together at the post, creating a bit of interference and a tighter joint.



-Don't cut yourself. Use a sharp blade, it's actually safer than a dull one.

-Only cut/shave a little bit, shouldn't take much. You might be able to use a file or emery board instead.

-Be careful tightening the screw when you put it back together. Don't strip it!


I hope this is helpful, good luck.

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TF Prime toys are out?!? :eek The latest things we have here are DotM and Rescue Bots... which are CRAP. And not because they're PlaySkool Transformers, I like PlaySkool Transformers and I have some of them (First Transformers, 1-2-3 Transformers, Go-Bots/Big Adventures etc.) -- but the Rescue Bots are seriously epic fail. :( Maybe cos I got those big electronic ones that DON'T EFFING TRANSFORM! :fire - and of course, the "Product does not convert" disclaimer is in itty-bitty tiny-arse writing... Grrr... I'm gonna bring 'em back to Target and get my money back dammmmnnnit. I already opened Heatwave but I haven't opened Chase yet. *sigh* Stupid impulse buy -- they were on sale at nearly half price, but even then I feel MASSIVELY ripped off and I want my money back!



















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He got that Prime from SDCC.


Rescue Bots are out? I've been looking for those for my cousin's baby.

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