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The Action Pose Thread


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I didn't feel like making a WiP thread, so I'll just throw this teaser in here....




Shockwave looked badass.... in the movie. The toy? Not so. Every time I looked at him, he just bugged me. It was mainly the wide upper body. There were two things I wanted to work on, Jet Wing Optimus and Shockwave. Shockwave won cuz my RotF prime was boxed up.

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That pisses me off, cause that gun looks ace... :emo



Thanks for the pics though, Ersico :thumb


After seeing the pic again, that totally does not look like Hatchet's missile pods. What was I thinking?


Thanks Erisco :wave


If Strat came with that gun then I would be keeping him for sure.

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i got hachet today, the drone guns for him don't look anything liek the shuttle...but the y do look great with hachet :)

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Hmmmm. I think I'm going to keep Strat now. You've given me an idea for my Zombie series :P Speaking of which, I'm do to participate.


post-10982-042342400 1310789907.jpg

All debts paid in full.

post-10982-053610800 1310790055.jpg

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Just gotta work on the legs and do some beefing up.

Will probably add wrist rotation.



Shoulder articulation: 1 ball joint on a forward back swivel and 2 more swivel joints. Basically its Roadbusters and Shockwave shoulder articulation combines.

Head is not on a ball joint but it can tilt up and down and turn 360 like original.



Got rid of that mech tech gimmick. It made his gun look way too wide. Extended the barrel.

Added waist articulation: turns 360 and can tilt about 30 degrees up and down.

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