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The Action Pose Thread


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That Birking is sweet! what company made that? I have the toybiz one that you change from Birkin G3 to G4



It is the Palisades version of William G4! The only bad figure Palisades put out in the Resident Evil Line. And by bad I mean, I just wasn't impressed by the freaky monster in the game and for them to actually take the time to produce that thing. Yeesh!?


Okay, I just scrolled up and why is that we all seem to know so damn much about the Power Rangers???


Okay, granted I too watched the show mainly cause it was on when I got home from classes in the afternoon my last couple years in college and nothing goes better with a beer that watching the Pink Ranger kick ass. But c'mon, really, The Green Dragonzord was epic in it's own right. But then when the Green Ranger turned into the White Ranger and got the White Tigerzord it was that much cooler!!!! All right, now I'm going to shut up!

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sadly, jazz fell asleep with it on his head for about 10 minutes..hahah then he rolled on his back and it fell off...jazz has no fear.....only naptime :)

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