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The Transformers Seeds Of Deception all-including thread!

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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents the Obscure G1 Transformers art gallery, starting with the character studies for Action Master Axer.

Before becoming an Action Masters, Axer had a Cybertronian alt-mode, revealed here for the first time!
And how did his transformable motorbike look like, before being reformated as a Earth vehicle?


Check out the commentary section with hints of the online comic that will feature Axer and Metroplex!

By Gianluca Gamba, Navtej Heer, Franco Villa.

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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents A Tale of Two City-Bots in PDF format.

The whole SoD Metroplex saga is now collected in one easy-to-download PDF file, featuring a Spotlight-themed intro and bonus art for Full-Tilt, Brunt, Scamper, Slammer and Six-Gun.

Long before the Civil War. Before the Golden Age.

Even before the Prime Dynasty...there were the Lawless Times.
An age without rules, where only the strong and the ruthless would thrive.
An age where creatures undreamed of walked the scarred, tormented surface of Cybertron.
Monsters, giants, celestials, abominations... and Titans.
One of them was bound to survive the end of that age of wonders, and cross the eons to the present day. He would come to be known as...


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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents act IV of Starscream: "The Gladiator".

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Starscream has climbed the social ladder, becoming a very popular Cybertronian officer of law: everybody appreciates him, his teammates would die for him, and every corrupted businessmech on Cybertron wants to make deal with him.
For Starscream, of course, this is NOT ENOUGH!
Witness as Starscreams steps in the path of the Gladiator, and begins to worm his way inside the Underground Movement and the Gladiatorial Arenas...until the day Civil War erupts, and his true nemesis is revealed!

Art by Masarujasu.

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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents act III of Starscream: "ATLEA".

It's the beginning of the Golden Age! Young Starscream is back on Cybertron, as a respected member of the Anti-Technoabuse Law Enforcement Agency. Really? Is he truly standing for the rights of other mechs?
Featuring G2 Snipe, Technobot Lightspeed, Aerialbot Skydive, Triggercon Windsweeper and some unexpected G2 foes, this act is more than meets the eye!

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Also featured, industrial businessmechs Ratbat and Scorponok, plus some RotorForce and Laser Rod bots!

Art by Lee Ji Hyun, Sin-nos.

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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents pages 16-18 of SoD Shockwave/Soundwave.

It's the Omega Battle!

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It's the very beggining of the Civil War! With Omega Supreme taken out of the equation by a two-pronged assault, the Omega Sentinels cannot rise to defend the Cybertronian Citistates against the overwhelming Decepticon Insurgence!

Art by Zerob, Tomoko.

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Transformers: Seeds Of Deception presents the end Wrath Of The Ages #6.

It's now or never! What is happening to Grimlock? Will the damaged Optimus Prime manage to withstand the fury of Megatron? Will Flash' race be doomed by the hands of Carnivac and Spinister? And what can stop the unstoppable Aerial Extermination Drones?
Everything comes crashing together in the great finale!

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Art by Daniele "danbrenus" Spezzani, Nicodemus Rexx, Esther Pimentel, Zerob, Hedge, OGE, Lauren Mays.

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Seeds Of Deception presents Differentiation (Act 2): Manipulation.

Ratbat is back in style, continuing to develop the untold events of The Future is -Ation.
With Megatron out of the game, The mind-controlling, energon-sucking diminutive Decepticon is ready to ignite his own plans for the control of Earth...starting with the manipulation of the elite soldiers of an unnamed special forces unit that came to investigate the site of the battle against the Reapers.
Is this the return of the Carwash of Doom? (Just kidding!)

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Bonus art: Captain Ackles and Colonel Williamson.

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Art by Alejkito , Lizolb

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