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Xovergen to release retooled classics prime for Trailerforce TF-01!


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I just found these pics posted on the Planet Iacon facebook page.


Not only is Xovergen releasing a kit to make your classics/henkei prime compatible with their powermaster upgrade set, but they are planning on releasing a completely retooled classics/henkei prime figure that will not only work with their new powermaster figure but with the g1 powermaster figures as well! Despite the figure being heavily retooled I do not think it will affect the look of the robot mode as the kibble should just rotate to the back as it does on the original classics/henkei mold.


Something I am wondering... does the powermaster gimmick actually work? As in the sense that you cant rotate primes torso until a powermaster partner is inserted. IMO this set just got alot more interesting!







its not a retool, its an add on kit so that NOT HiQ will be able to attach to Classics/Henkei Prime.


I'm not going to bother with Xovergen, just because of the complaints that came out about their pathetic attempt at Grand Patriot Commander.


I'm hoping Fansproject steps up and makes the Powermaster Armor


its not a retool, its an add on kit so that NOT HiQ will be able to attach to Classics/Henkei Prime.


I'm not going to bother with Xovergen, just because of the complaints that came out about their pathetic attempt at Grand Patriot Commander.


I'm hoping Fansproject steps up and makes the Powermaster Armor


I am talking about the grey prototype setting next to henkei prime. The entire front end of the truck has been retooled to have the spring loaded powermaster slot. They also retooled the door wings some, so I am thinking they may sit more flush in robot mode.


Than they are changing everything including making a brand new classics/henkei Prime for the trailer.


either way I'm sure it will flop like Supreme Grand Patriot


I want one too, but if its anything like Grand Patriot then no. I'm also holding out for Fans Project to make the apex armor. It does not even have to be exact. it can be just like the City Commander and Protector series


This is a awesome attempt on Xovergen. a retooled section to house a powermaster is just awesome.


I'm just wondering if this release is a bit too late. has the hype for this voyager toy come & gone. is this project a little to late in it's comming.


problem is I think their are far better Optimus molds to use for a power master apex armor or ultra magnus car carrier trailer armor. like the upcomming Hasbro TRU MP-10 Optimus. or any one of the movie verse leader optimus or that HFTD Voyager optimus. or even that DOTM Ultra sized optimus that comes with the ultimate optimus dotm toy.


Personally I don't want to see any optimus toys made in this decade transform into a rubix cube & squeeze into a 3rd party PMOP apex suit of armor.


I want to see a stand up robot mold optimus made in this decade. wear the Ultra magnus car carrier armor/PMOP apex armor like Car robot fireconvoy did. with armor parts like boots,forearm,chest plate,waist plate, forearms,back cover with wings,new head,etc...


Lets give the classics 1.0 voyager/henkei optimus/convoy toy a break/rest. it's already been used for the city commander armor. their are a few better optimus new molds to use for any other trailer/armor besides this mold.


I personally would rather the PM armor be geared towards a less exciting Optimus mold that we all know we have, making it somewhat presentable on the shelf, 2 specific figures come to mind.............


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