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If Michael Bay Bows Out of Transformers 4, Could Steven Spielberg Step In?


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Tyrese Gibson spoke with MovieWeb earlier this week, suggesting that if indeed what Shia LaBeouf (Sam Witwicky) says is true, and that he and Michael Bay are walking away from the franchise, Steven Spielberg is a great safety net. "[H]ere is the safety net. Are you ready for this?" Mr. Gibson asks during his interview with MovieWeb. "Michael Bay decides to not come back for Transfomers 4. There is always Steven Spielberg!" Read more... Read the Full News Story Here

We shall see. I sure hope that Hasbro and Paramount don't get narrow minded and stick to the Bayformer style of Transformer. ;)


I hope they let the franchise rest for at least 4 years, theatrically speaking. A reboot just 2 or even 3 years after the conclusion of the Bayverse is just a little too soon and I think might baffle people with a new style. Even if it does continue as the Bayverse, I will be happy with the knowledge that Bay probably woouldn't direct (maybe produce) and hopefully get a really good director like JJ Abrams or Zack Snyder. I think Snyder would go nuts with a G1 movie.


A break would be nice. I would like to see what Hasbro can do without having to work on movie toys.


Eh, I don't care who directs 4 as long as it's good.


I don't want a fourth movie. I want Hasbro to take a mulligan. Let the movie go for five years, get out some more G1-inspired maerial and then reboot the franchise based on IDW's works with War Within squeezed in.


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