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lets see..where to start....

ROTF Ravage....sweet...totally sweet...the "re-entry" mode is lame...but evil kitty kat of doom mode is awesome....looks just like in the movie...not to big on the chomp chomp gimmick...and the guns couldve had missiles...but still...awesome...

Deluxe Mudflap....the only one of the twins i like...love the vehicle mode...wish Chevy would actually produce this vehicle...robot mode is really nice to...the hip ball joints on mine are really really loose...and i hate the fact the the whole alt mode hangs on his back....but still...very nice deluxe...very nice indeed..

Henkei Thrust...love this thing...jet mode rocks...better than the botcon one in my opinion....camo wings rule...as Leige said though...the wings are very soft....be extra careful....funnily enough though..the launchers stay in his arms fine....no falling out or anything...

Device Label Ravage....already commented on this earlier...very nice....looks good with music label soundwave...not to dissappointed that the line was cancelled though..didnt to much like the rest of the offerings.....ravage is pure win though....and hes a convienient way to store music that i can save to the computer...




-> Reissue Perceptor: Effin' awesome, simply because this was one of the original G1's I always wonted (for some reason). As you would expect, he's not as big as I remember... but actually more articulated.


-> Deluxe Gears and Deluxe Dead End (ROTF): Got 'em both because I like both molds. Gears' red is thankfully more of a brown and not as bright as the original pics we saw, so he's good. And Dead End looks better than Sideways, IMHO.


- > Legends Skids and Scree... err, Mudflap: I made the mistake of getting Deluxe Skids, and won't get Deluxe Mudflap, or HA Skids OR Mudflap. The Legends toys actually look LOTS better, with no real kibble. Too bad their legs can't bend at the knee...


Deluxe Skids and Mudflap where awesome, and HA Skids is honestly in a class of his own!


To each there own, but are you serious!?!


skids and mudflap are not legends I would rank higher than their deluxe versions (then again, I can't think of a legends figure I would prefer over the larger version). What is the major complaint with skids anyways? He has that rather enjoyable 'herpa derpa' talking gimmick and his extending hand is easily modded into a very entertaining firing fist of fury.


My Smallest TF Soundwave, Ravage, and Starscream arrived today. There are no words. They are so incredibly awesome, esp. with their Reprolabel details. Some thoughts:


Ah, Smallest Starscream, that smug, conniving little worm. Looks very much like his full-sized counterpart. This is actually my first G1 Starscream of any sort. Makes me want more. And more Smallest TFs, too, man these are cool.


Ravage is just a whisper of plastic, only basically Ravage-shaped but still a tiny wonder. He's about the size of a micro-SD card you might put in your mobile phone. Hmmm, new Device Label idea. :schin Anyway, he has no detail whatsoever, save for the two little holes that indicate he's a cassette. Nonetheless, he is tiny love.


Soundwave his bad self is so very cool. Amazing that the guns store in his back, under the battery cover, as the full-sized one. All the same articulation, essentially. The head is a little puzzling, tho. It is on a pinned hinge, which only lets it fold back to transform, so you can still see his face. A ball joint would have been totally doable here, like the original. *shrug* His chest opens and Ravage fits inside. I can't wait to pose them with Movie Ultimate Bumblebee, about as close to correct scale as I think you can get.


Of course, in a manifestation of my TF modding illness, I couldn't leave Soundwave alone. Modded his head to turn and close face-down in alt mode. ("Turn" might be a generous description, as it's basically twisting the head in its socket until it snaps back into place facing the opposite way. Works for me.) Had to carve out some space for his face to fit into, so the head is flush with the top surface. Might mod his knees for bending in the correct direction, as I did with full-size SW.

  • 2 weeks later...

'Universe Getaway' (Wal-Mart exclusive Breakaway) - A decent repaint of Cybertron Hot Shot. The vehicle mode is nice, the key gimmick isn't worth mentioning but at least is out of the way. The robot mode is neat. Worth it if you don't have a version of this mold already, but is nothing special otherwise.


TRU exclusive Universe Countdown - A repaint of Cybertron Defense Red Alert. The vehicle mode is very bulky, and armed with a huge ICBM that is removable. The robot mode is bulky and squat for an Ultra class figure. The key opens the rocket to allow it to fire a missile, and/or unlocks an attachment arm. You can attach a claw or a hammer to the end. Worthwhile if you can find.


Henkei! Ramjet - A very nice update to the G1 Conehead. The tails and cockpit are chromed, and look nice! As a side effect of the different transformation from the original mold, his face is clearly visible from below in vehicle mode.


Henkei! Smokescreen - MUCH better than the Universe version of Smokescreen, IMO.


Henkei! Hot Shot with Jolt - Jolt is almost as much of a waste of plastic as Tidal Wave's Mini-Con, Ramjet. Hot Shot really benefited from the Universe/Classics update! The guns can either be held in his hands or plugged into his forearms.


I have quite a few. No I didnt get these all at once, but I have gotten them within the past 2 months :P


Universe DropShot- Overall a nice figure, all the joints are nice and tight and overall I really like the figure. However some of his paint, mostly the green, feels chalky almost like cheap art paint and I really dont care for it at all. Also his head "and I think some mold degradation" makes it a little scary to rotate his missle array in vehicle mode, it feels like I am going to break something and it just suddenly makes a snap sound and stops ratcheting at a point "however I think happens because his goggles catch on a groove and they didnt put ratchets all the way along the rotation disk. Despite my small annoyances I really like the figure, and he was totally worth the 11.85 I payed for him on amazon MISB. 9.5/10


ROTF Thrust- Let me get to the point, I love this figure. Despite him being a repaint "with remolded head" of ROTF breakaway, he really feels like a different mold. Actually I believe Hasbro did several small retooling to the figure, I'm not entirely sure but the hands on thrust look completely different from breakaways. I recommend this guy to anyone that's even remotely interested in him, plus he is a necessity especially if you have gotten the other movie seekers so far. 10/10


Movie Seekers "G1 SS, M1 Thundercracker, Ramjet, Skywarp" -, when I first saw this mold I didn't really care for it. But after playing around with StarScream I have really grown fond of the mold, so much so I decided to get the seeker 2 pack from walmart and get thundercracker from amazon. The mold even has a hidden Gerwalk mode :D. 9.5/10 "mostly due to some very small mold flaws"


ROTF Jetfire- I really like his alt mode despite it having so much under carrage kibble, I mean if you see a experimental jet your not going to know whats supposed to be there and whats not supposed to be there. Besides he just teleports anyways, so its not like anyone will see him for long anyways XD. His robot mode is quite cool, but I wish they had made a way to combine his cane with that panel on his back "that forms the gun in combined mode". Overall its a great figure, but he can be a pain to pose sometimes cause mine has slightly weak joints in the legs :S. 8.9/10


ROTF Optimus Prime- Prime is everything I like, he has a advance transformation, has a accurate robot and vehicle mode, lots of articulation. My only gripe with him is the swords, its nearly impossible to straiten out his arms with the swords folded up. But thats my only gripe really XD 10/10


ROTF Powered Prime- Even though jetfire and prime by themselves are nice figures their combined mode is not so much. Jetfire basically forms a backpack and latches onto prime, but as awesome as it sounds it isnt... Basically it removes all leg articulation prime had, but doesnt really add anything, from the front it just looks like you unfolded prims feet and extended them "not quite the chicken walker shoes from the CGI". Although I do admit I kinda like the thrusters on primes back and the mode does give prime a proper gun to use. 5.8/10


Universe Legends Leoprime- A repaint of LoC Leobreaker. I found this guy along with several others at my local dollar general for 5$, and I must say it has totally changed my oppinion of legends class figures. He is nice and posable and manages to retain the transformation process from his voyager sized self. I kinda wish it had a little more paint detail, but since it has way more detail than a minicon I cannot complain at all. Overall its a nice figure and I recommend him to anyone that collects on a budget 10/10


LoC Soundwave- This is yet another one of the Dollar General legends I found for 5$, like leo breaker I really like this mold. However Soundwave does not have elbow articulation :(, but he doesn't have the arm kibble like his larger self which is a huge bonus in my book. His transformation is simular to his larger self, except his arms just sorta sit to the side where on the bigger one they went inside the ship itself. As a added plus I have found soundwave makes a great headmaster for supreme class figures when you find the right head. 10/10


LoC Optimus Prime- This is a alright representation of the larger figure, but he is my least favorite of the LoC figures I bought. He has no knee articulation, and have VERY limited elbow and arm articulation, I will be honest he is a small brick. His truck mode just looks awkward, it seems much longer than his bigger self if they was in scale next to each other. But I got to admit he has wonderfull paint applications, there are two molded wheels on the front of the cab and at first I could had swore they were actually wheels with pins, thats how good the silver paint app is inside the wheel. But other than that the figure is alright for display, but it doesnt have much play value :(. 6/10


LoC Hotshot- I must say I like this figure, he even managed to retain his Key Gimmik minus the key, which makes it even better. The transformation is exactly like his delux counterpart. However my gripes with the figure are, in robot mode he has no feet and while I understand it would had been difficult to give him flip out feet I just think it looks strange. The plastic the molded him in doesnt look right, it almost seems to be a hue lighter than his deluxe counterpart, plus coupled with the total lack of paint applications in car mode just makes the figure seem bland. In robot mode alot more colors appear, its a shame they didnt put more into his car mode. Because I have been detailing the figure using some micron pens and it looks loads better than he did undetailed. 7.5/10


E. Quickstrike- A repaint of E. Bulkhead. I really had to hunt for this figure being Energon occurred several years ago, but I finally found him on here and on ebay "yes I have 2 now :P". Overall he has a interesting transformation and contrary to popular belief I really like the walker that comes with him. However I prefer the walker either be attached to him in copter mode or seperated in robot mode, because the Brute mode just looks really silly XD. The rotor gimmik works quite nicely when compared to Universe Blades, speaking of the Gimmik you CAN use Quickstrikes rotor blades with on Autobot blades "I will get to why you would want to do this in a sec". Also Unlike Blades you have the option to not have the blades in robot mode, which I prefer since the gimmik kibble just gets in teh way on blades :(. Now as to why you would use quickstrikes blades on blades... Blades blades have a tendancy to easily come off, however quickstrikes blades are held into place with a pin and they are much sturdier than blade's blades. So if you can get past the fact that quickstrikes blades are red, they make a great replacement for Blade's Blades. Now for the downfalls of this figure, hasbro packed so many articulation possiblitys into this mold as they did with many of the other ultras, voyagers, and deluxes. But due to the ratchets having so large of a gap between click it makes it really difficult to pull off poses. Heck they even gave him pivoting ankles but you cant use them because the first click on the leg splits is wider than the feet can support :(. 8.5/10


E. Sharkicon- Another recent ebay find, mostly due to a giant mishap. Matter of fact I was actually bidding on a E. Landmine but it turned out it was a "listing error" so I got E. Sharkicon and E. Mirage as compensation. Anyways, sharkicon obviously has a cybertronian battle ship as an alt mode, which I really digg. The transformation is fairly simple "my neice managed to do it first try", and the robot mode is very cool. His arms have a pin based joint and his arm kibble can get in the way of some poses but its not to bad, leg articulation is fairly standard. He does have a gimmik in robot mode where you can flip two large cannons forward "kinda like cybertron prime", but thats about it. Overall I really like the figure, he is one of the better ones from energon and feels very solid. He would be a great army builder.


E. Dreadwing- This is a repaint of E. Mirage, and IMO this version looks more like mirage than his first coloration. Anyways he has a very intersting transfomation, lots of flipping and pegging "its almost masterpiece like". Once in robot mode the toy has quite a few posing abilitys, he is double jointed at the elbow has a movable waise, ankle pivoting, really nice leg articulation, and his ratchets are not nearly as bad as quickstrikes. However, he has so much kibble it really ruins a figure that would had been awesome. Because of the electronics pack you cannot move his waist very much, his arm kibble just looks awkward and hinders some posability. However hasbro gave us the ability to lessen the kibble, the two shells that form the front of the boat can be slid off the purple strips and sat to the side. However my version was aparently a factory defect, the balljoint on one of the front boat shell supports was to big for the socket, so the socket has a slight split in it and no matter what I do I just cant seem to fix it "thats why I have determined it is a factory defect". However despite it being cracked the joint holds nicely and is really tight so I guess its not to bad. Overall its a nice figure, I just wish hasbro would had organized the kibble just a little better. 8.5/10


E. Shockblast + E. Sixshot- I really digg this guys robot mode, but both of his alt modes are really hit and miss with me. So I invented a 3rd mode "Ground to air deathray". Really my only other complaints with him is that fact that his torso isnt very well supported and it will tilt forward when the slightest bit of pressure is applied, seriously would it had hurt hasbro to mold in some way for his backpack to peg into his back and support it better. Plus his giant arm is just slightly to long to allow you to lay it flat against his body. But I got to admit he is the closest thing we have to a proper classics shockwave until hasbro releases a proper new mold, "Im kinda hoping they will base him on the sniper nerf gun".I have 3 of this mold, 2x's shockblast and 1 sixshot, so Im not sure what I will do with the extra shockblast yet. Im thinking Shackwave repaint :D! 8/10


Classics Blades- This is a repaint of Cybertron Evac. I really want to like this guy, but I have issues with both modes. In copter mode evac is a rescue chopper "like his g1 self", but I find his rotor gimmick really lacking and his blades have a tendency to pop off with the slightest of force when trying to pose them and they dont really lock into place like Quickstrikes, I mean they stay together fairly well but they are not as solid as quickstrikes. In robot mode you cant really pull off any decent poses because of the back kibble, and arm kibble. I wish hasbro had made a way to take off the arm kibble and attach it to his back. Also the mold feels really weak, especially the black lever you use to push up blades head, its almost rubbery pvc plastic :(. But despite all the Cons I like Blades, and I do prefer it over the original colors and if you missed out on Evac then get him, especially if you can get him for below his standard MSRP. 7/10


I have a few more figures in the mail "including a E. Landmine :D!", and there is a few figures I cant think of at the moment. So I will post more mini reviews soon :D. Also I know it will never happen, but I really hope HasTak Releases a toy for the Ancient seeker seeing as it looks almost exactly like the Maximals ship in the Beast Wars :P


Human Alliance Bumblebee- Just a great figure, great detail, great articulation, and great Sam. Definite 10/10


Legends Skids- Great little figure to have in your pocket, some very minor flaws, but just awesome. 9.5/10


Skids and Mudflap Ice Cream Truck- Two awesome little Transformers, nice and small, Skids is great. More than worth the price point, $10 is a steal, for such awesome Scout Class figures, wouldn't mind paying $16 for the 'Truck. 16/10 Yep, it is that awesome. :yay :yay :eek :roll :drool :D :) :bot


Just got a package in the mail!


E. Landmine- Overall a great figure, however I find mines wheels on the trailers treads do no turn easily so he just kinda drags it when its attached. Also I leave off the backpack when I put him into "brute mode", mostly because the crane and cannon hide his face. 8/10


I also got a whole bunch of stuff today, both 2 pack scouts from walmart, the kmart ROTF legends 4 pack, and ROTF voyager SS. Ill post their reviews when I digg them out of the pile XD.

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